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Get up, get moving, and go find out what it is. - (Ralph Marston)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level.

It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

Above is an error which I continuously faced when I was trying to deploy a WebService written using VS2005.

I wrote a web service in vs 2005 and was trying to deploy it in IIS. What I did was created an empty folder and mapped the virtual folder to it. Then I published the Web Service giving that empty folder as the destination. In the IIS, I changed the ASP.NET version in IIS to 2.0 , but when I was trying to publish it gave the above error.

Well, after searching the web for so long; one day I tried out this..

created the web service and build it(no errors) then clicked on the publish option from the menu that drops down from the project I need to publish; it then requested the http URL, where I specified as http://localhost/TestSomeService, then it was published creating a folder in IIS as TestSomeService and mappings all done, and all I had to do was to change the ASP.NET version in IIS to 2.0. And there it worked fine....

One thing I learnt was that the new Visual Studio 2005; provides an inbuilt webhosting facility. it uses a Cassini to host the web service locally. This is good for developments; but as far as deployment is concerned; you got to go for IIS.


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